Virtual rehabilitation

In this section we can see the projects of the Computer Graphics Group at the UPV linked to the following areas:

  • Patients’ compliance with the treatment.
  • Quicker progress.
  • Objective monitoring.
  • Custom-designed treatment.


  • VICOMO: Modelado de Contexto Visual / VICOMO: Visual Context Modeling

Responsible researchers: José Enrique Simó Ten, Roberto Vivó, Francisco José Abad, Ramón Mollá.

Code: TSI-020400-2009-133

Project Duration: 23/03/09 – 23/01/11

Description: In this project we propose a new augmented virtuality framework where the synthetic scenario is populated with the information coming from the real-world. Our proposal is based on a smart camera which processes the images to detect objects. With this information, our framework relies on the collisions of the optical rays with the scenario to locate the detected objects. Our solution is also capable of handling situations where objects are piled on others.

  • Banco de trabajo como herramienta para la Neurorehabilitación / Work bench as a tool for Neurorehabilitation

Responsibles researchers: Francisco José Abad, M. Carmen Juan, Emilio Camahort, Ramón Mollá.

Code: PAID-06-08-3308

Project Duration: 04/12/2008-04/12/2010

Description: The UPV has developed multi-touch screens for the rehabilitation of patients with brain damage. Researchers at the Institute of Automation and Industrial Computing (Instituto ai2) of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) have developed an interactive multitouch platform for the treatment and rehabilitation of neurological pathologies, with the aim of improving the cognitive functions of people who have suffered a traumatic brain injury or a stroke.

It is a prototype workbench with multi-touch screen with which the patient can interact using only their hands and which incorporates much more attractive exercises than those currently used in neurorehabilitation therapies, “said Francisco Abad, researcher of the ai2 Institute.

Multi-touch screens for the rehabilitation of patients with brain damage

Responsible researchers: M. Carmen Juan, Vicente Colomer Grau, Luis Mariano.

Project duration: 2005

Description: Augmented reality systems give users a feeling of presence and reality judgment that can be exploited to treat some psychological disorders.

  • Sistema Asistido para la Toma de Decisiones en la Cirugía de la Enfermedad de Parkinson / Assisted System for Decision Making in Parkinson’s Disease Surgery

Responsible researchers: J. Barcia, M. Carmen Juan Lizandra, Vicente Colomer Grau, Luis Mariano.

Project duration: 28/11/03 – 28/11/06

Description: Assisted System for Decision Making in Parkinson’s Disease Surgery

  • Visualización Interactiva Tridimensional en Dispositivos de Informática Móvil / Three-dimensional Interactive Visualization in Mobile Computing Devices

Responsible researchers: Javier Lluch, Ramón Mollá. María José Vicent López, Emilio Camahort.

Code: PPI05-03-4243

Project duration: 18/07/03 – 18/07/05

  • Virtual Móvil “Visualización 30 Interactiva de Entornos Virtuales en Dispositivos de Informática Móvil / Virtual Mobile “Visualization 30 Interactive Virtual Environments in Mobile Computing Devices

Responsible researchers: Javier Lluch, Ramón Mollá. María José Vicent López, Emilio Camahort, Francisco José Abad.

Code: GV04B/497

Project duration: 01/01/04 – 01/01/06

  • Arquitecturas Multirresolutivas de Sistemas Gráficos Procedurales / Multi-Resilient Architectures of Procedural Graphical Systems

Responsible researchers: Roberto Vivó, M. Carmen Juan Lizandra, Ramón Mollá, María José Vicent, Emilio Camahort, Javier Lluch.

Code: TIC1999-0510-C02-01

Project duration: 31/12/99 – 31/12/02

  • Artis: Herramienta para el Desarrollo de Sistemas Inteligentes en Tiempo Real Aplicados al Control de Robots Móviles / Artis: Tool for the Development of Intelligent Systems in Real Time Applied to the Control of Mobile Robots

Responsible researchers: Javier Lluch Crespo, Roberto Vivó.

Code: TAP97-1164-C03-01

Project duration: 01/10/97 – 02/10/98

  • Realidad Virtual Aplicada a la Tele-Robótica / Virtual Reality Applied to Tele-Robotics

Responsible Researchers: Martín Mellado Arteche, Ramón Mollá, Roberto Vivó.

Project duration: 01/12/99 – 01/12/01

  • Segmentation And 3d Visualisation Of Medical Images: An Hpcn Demnostrator Oriented To Radiology (Hipercir)

Responsible Researchers: Mariano Luis Alcañiz, M. Carmen Juan.

Code: EP24003 HIPERCIR

Project Duration: 01/11/97 – 31/12/99

*Consult all the research lines of the GIG.